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TMB-HK (High Kinetic) is our high-reactivity liquid stable substrate. Engineered for speed, TMB-HK can deliver rapid and robust colorimetric responses in just 1 minute, perfect for workflows that require fast-developing signal.


  • 10-15 Minute Read Time
  • Non-Toxic
  • Single Component
  • 48 Month Stability
Catalog #Description
TMBHK-100100 mL TMB-HK (High Kinetic) substrate
TMBHK-500500 mL TMB-HK (High Kinetic) substrate
TMBHK-10001000 mL TMB-HK (High Kinetic) substrate
TMBHKD-10001000 mL TMB-HK (High Kinetic) substrate diluent


TMB-US is an ultra-sensitive liquid substrate. TMB-US can deliver rapid and robust colorimetric responses in a few minutes. This is about 20% less reactive compared to TMB-HK but will vary depending on assay.


  • 15-30 Minute Read Time
  • Non-Toxic
  • Single Component
Catalog #Description
TMBUS-100100 mL TMB-US (Ultra Sensitive) substrate
TMBUS-500500 mL TMB-US (Ultra Sensitive) substrate
TMBUS-10001000 mL TMB-US (Ultra Sensitive) substrate
TMBD-10001000 mL TMB-US (Ultra Sensitive) substrate diluent


TMB-E is a liquid stable is a less reactive version of TMBUS. We optimized TMB-E to provide a slower reacting HRP substrate for assays that may not require such high sensitivity.


  • 15-30 Minute Read Time
  • Non-Toxic
  • Single Component
Catalog #Description
TMBE-100100 mL TMB-E substrate
TMBE-500500 mL TMB-E substrate
TMBE-10001000 mL TMB-E substrate
TMBED-10001000 mL TMB-E substrate diluent


TMB-ES (Stable Stop) is our most slowly developing liquid stable TMB substrate but maintains its signal hours after addition of stop solution. TMB-Stable Stop is perfect for workflows that have delayed read times.


  • 20-30 Minute Read Time
  • Non-Toxic
  • Single Component
Catalog #Description
TMBES-100100 mL TMB-Stable Stop substrate
TMBES-500500 mL TMB-Stable Stop substrate
TMBES-10001000 mL TMB-Stable Stop substrate

TMB Evaluation Packs

Introducing MOSS’s TMB Test Pack—an invaluable resource offering customers the flexibility to test and select the perfect TMB variant that best suits their assay optimization and development needs. This comprehensive pack showcases a range of TMB formulations, empowering you to fine-tune your assays for optimal performance. With MOSS TMB Test Pack, you have the tools you need to achieve the highest levels of accuracy and sensitivity in your diagnostic, research, and industrial applications, ensuring your success in the world of scientific discovery.

Catalog #Description
TMBHK-SKContains 100%, 80%, 60%, 40%, 20% dilutions of TMB-HK with a bottle of TMBHK diluent for further customization if needed.
TMB-SKContains all of our substrates and their respective diluents.
TMB-SK2Contains 100%, 80%, 60% dilutions of TMB-US with diluent. Also, TMBE and TMBES.


ABTS is an alternative to TMB based substrates. Liquid stable ABTS develops an intense blue-green color measurable at 405nm.


  • 24 Month Stability
  • 20-30 Minute Read Time
  • Non-Toxic
  • Single Component
Catalog #Description
ABTS-100100 mL ABTS substrate
ABTS-500500 mL ABTS substrate
ABTS-10001000 mL ABTS substrate
MOSS provides bulk manufacturing and bottling services ranging from 15mL to 2000 liters
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